
Clothing Choices That Alleviate Social Anxiety

If you suffer from social anxiety, you may see a psychiatrist to help you alleviate the symptoms you feel as you go out into public. One way to alleviate social anxiety on your own is by selecting certain clothing to help reduce the amount of anxiety you feel. Here are some articles you will want to incorporate into your favorite apparel selections, making them staples in helping you feel more at ease in social situations. Read More 

Couples Counseling

If you are undergoing some struggles in your marriage, should you enter couples counseling? Although every couple differs, there are certain signs that indicate you could benefit from a marriage therapist. Studies show that 97% of those who seek this type of help are happy with the treatment results. If you and your partner are struggling, making an appointment may greatly benefit your relationship.  Talking Communication problems occur in every marriage, but if you and your spouse are not talking about anything except the most basic items, such as childcare arrangements or auto repair, you may need professional help. Read More 

How To Manage Your Anxiety Without Medication

If you have a lot of anxiety, you might have considered going on medication to simply get some relief from your worried thoughts and harried actions. However, you might also be afraid to go on medication because it might make you sleepy and dull your thoughts. If you are not ready to make the plunge and take anxiety medication, here are some tips for controlling and managing your anxiety without drugs. Read More 

Your First DUI: What You Can Expect To Pay If You’re Caught Driving Drunk

Everyone makes mistakes, but the cost of getting behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol can be high. Even if you don't cause any damage to yourself, other people or property, if you are caught you can expect to pay hefty fines. The fines or court costs of a first-time offense range anywhere from $250 to $1500, depending on the state. But there are other costs that you may not think about until after you are convicted of a DUI charge. Read More