
4 Modalities Of Trauma Treatment For Teenagers

No one ever wants to think about traumatic situations happening to kids. Unfortunately, abuse, accidents, illnesses, and other traumatic events can happen to people of any age. Every child is an individual, and each form of trauma is similarly unique. That's why it's only logical that different children require different approaches when it comes to healing from trauma. These are four forms of trauma therapy that can help teenagers recover from PTSD and other forms of trauma. Read More 

Not Just For Troubled Marriages: How Virtual Marriage Counseling Can Improve Your Relationship

One of the common misconceptions among couples is that marriage counseling is for troubled marriages only. However, marriage counseling can strengthen good relationships and can help get troubled marriages back on track. Virtual marriage counseling makes it easier than ever to make the most of your marriage union and has many benefits. Less intimidating If one partner desires to seek marriage counseling and the other does not, it may be due to the hesitant partner feeling apprehensive about sitting in the office of a therapist or counselor. Read More 

Silencing The Stigma Surrounding Psychological Testing And Assessment

If you or a loved one has been recommended to receive a psychological assessment, it is not uncommon to feel a little embarrassed. This often occurs as the result of past impressions regarding mental health and the stigma surrounding it that has existed for decades. Understanding a little bit about psychological testing and why it is necessary will help you silence the stigma. No different than a physical exam If you contact your doctor due to feeling ill or experiencing unusual symptoms, you will be scheduled for a physical exam to see what is causing your problem. Read More 

How Do Teens Benefit From Psychoeducational Substance Abuse Group Therapy?

If your teen has a substance abuse problem, then you might encourage them to take group therapy. While the principles of this type of therapy are the same in all groups, groups can work in different ways. In some circumstances, psychoeducational group therapy is a good option for young people with substance use problems. What will your child gain from this type of therapy? Knowledge  Your child might understand that they have a substance abuse problem. Read More 

Hypnotherapy For Mental And Physical Pain Relief

Therapists use various techniques to encourage mental wellness in their clients. Some therapists are trained in the use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes. Therapeutic hypnosis, also called hypnotherapy, can help people stop smoking, control their anxiety, and even experience less pain. Here are some things you should know before scheduling an appointment at a hypnotherapist's office: 1. Hypnosis is similar to meditation. Hypnosis is not supernatural at all. Instead, it's most similar to meditation, a state in which a person clears their mind and focuses on their breath. Read More